Color is an important element in a room decoration. Every color has its own character and effects. To make a furniture piece with a particular color looks stunning you should use other colors that can highlight the furniture and anchor the space. A brown couch, for instance, will not look wonderful if you apply wrong colors for pieces around it. The best way to jazz up the couch is to make use of some contrasting color. You should know what colors that contrast brown. As brown color is a kind of rich color, the couch should be spotlighted with softer background shading. This also helps to highlight the room.
The couch is intended to be the focal point of the room. Therefore, dark furnishings should be avoided as dark tones compete with the brown couch. Find something in contrasting colors with no competing elements that can be the couch’s rivals. The easiest way to start decorating a couch is to place some throw pillows. Go softer by giving the couch cream or beige-colored pillows. Alternatively, plaids with different shades of yellow or red can be the other ideas. These pillows can show off the richness of brown color. Additionally, find a colorful quilt and toss it on one end or across the couch’s back. Here, the brown couch functions as a rich background that highlight the craftsmanship of the quilt.
If your room space is large, you can place some chairs in orange, white or green colors to pair the brown couch. Place the chairs to face the couch. However, if the space can’t accommodate extra chairs, place an orange, white, or green rug in front of the couch. The combination of dark-colored couch and light-colored rug plays off each other. Around the couch, you can place some oak wooden furniture pieces such as a coffee table or an end table. It can enhance the bold and rich theme that is already generated by the couch.
For the wall, give it a slate color or light gray. These color functions as a rich backdrop for the brown couch. If you think the room is too bold as there may be some large furniture pieces with rich colors, soften the boldness with a distinct touch of bright colored lampshades with beads lining at the bottom. Such lampshades not only soften the room but they generate a cozy ambiance for the entire room.
Brown Couch and How to Jazz Up with it